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I got rejected from 4 colleges

I got rejected from 4 colleges ..... yes, 4.

at first, I wanted to be a music teacher- alas I wasn’t good enough to make it into any music program.

 I didn’t have enough experience in piano, or I wasn’t classically trained enough- whatever the reason.

Then I decided to be a regular school teacher.

 I did make it in, but I never went into teaching because I got pregnant with my first and I never went back to work.

So for a whole year, alone in the house- it was the hardest times in my life- away from a community, without any skills at all to work from home.  

So I decided to teach myself graphic design first. Learning from you tube tutorials and actual adobe books. I started selling on Etsy. I taught myself photography for the sake of me being a mother.

Things were doing well- I was getting my name out. I was learning so much. Then I miscarried.

I didn’t think I could make it through- I went through a deep depression and poured myself into learning more. 

After a few years I had my second- my son. My business was getting more and more calls.  Then I got pregnant again- of course I figured out that I was one of the very few percent of women that don’t have morning sickness- that it’s like being carsick with the glue for 16 weeks straight.

 I couldn’t eat- I couldn’t walk. I laid in bed- throwing up 11 times a day. My business and creativity halted. I lost all motivation. 

After my third CSection, (because I don’t physically dilate, and after 48 hours of labor, the doctors told me that a C section is the only way to have kids) ,   We decided it would be too physically difficult for me to have anymore children.

 As the years passed, my business grew, my skills grew, my equipment and knowledge grew.  Failures, rejections and mistakes have been made. Regrets have happened.  

But if I have learned anything- it’s that life might push you down- but true success is not how many times you fail- but how many times you push through. 

In 2011, we started making little quote posters on Etsy to sell. Now we’ve sold over 6,000 products over 5 different online stores, selling phone cases, shirts and more. We started with one senior session on a cloudy day shooting senior photos with a kit 18-55 lens shooting JPEG mini in AUTO with the pop- up flash (because we didn’t know how to change the settings)!.

Now, We were voted top wedding photographers in VA Beach in 2016, 2018 and 2019. We’ve been published over 50 times in places like Buzzfeed, popsugar, black bride, and more.

I don’t say this to brag- because I will over give credit to we’re credit is due- my Master- God has brought me through every season empowering me, showing me and opening doors and I WOULD not be where I was without him. 

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