5 Stay-at-Home Photo Projects
Stuck inside during this crazy time?
This is a great time to learn, grow and hone your skills
👉🏼Take great food pictures
- use textures, props and fresh food for color and depth
- Use big lighting like a window or garage
👉🏼practice adding smoke to food in photoshop
- check out YouTube for tutorials and videos on how to add great effects to food photos
👉🏼practice your real estate photography
- clean a room in your house and practice shooting with flash and no flash
- Use a wide angle lens to capture more in the frame
👉🏼practice flat lay photography
- stand on a chair or put your props on the floor to shoot above
👉🏼bonus projects:
- use gels or colored cellphone with a flash to get some great new color effects
- take silhouette shots with a basic white wall and your flash behind your subject
Have any other ideas? We would love to see how you are staying busy!
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